Inkontru (noun)

Un incontro inaspettato con qualcuno o qualcosa. (Vedi anche: appuntamento; incontro)

An unexpected meeting with someone or something. (See also: rendezvous; meeting)

Semplicemente non c’è niente come sul mercato in questo momento… Leggere in Italiano 


There is simply nothing like on the market right now. We have created a pan-European video-based web app to give users a tailor-made overview of ongoing art, culture, and heritage events. goes beyond just providing you with event dates and times. You can access captivating video clips, obtain Google Map directions, event details, and even get information to buy the event ticket when available. Additionally, you can easily share these events with your loved ones.

Organizzatori di Eventi in Sicilia

Sicily Event Organisers verrà lanciata in Sicilia nell’estate 2024 launching in Sicily in summer 2024

A partire dall’estate 2024, … Leggere in Italiano 

Starting summer 2024, let tourists explore Sicily’s enchanting arts, culture, and heritage on! Prepare to amaze tourists by the rich offerings of the island and let more tourists discover the mesmerizing events Sicily has to offer. List your events on and connect with a global audience eager to experience the unique charm of Sicilian culture.



Read in Italian | Leggere in Italiano 


Promotional ecosystem
As an event organiser, benefit from a promotional ecosystem including features on all Maltese TV stations, social media, inflight magazines, and vloggers.


No need to download is a web app, which means it is very easily accessible from your mobile with a web browser and an internet connection. Just open your internet browser and key in


No storage space taken does not take up any of your mobile storage space.


Easy sharing and distribution
You can simply share a link to and your family and friends can access it instantly without going through an app store or installation process.


Ti interessa includere il tuo evento su 

È importante elencare il tuo evento almeno 30 giorni prima che si verifichi per garantire che il nostro team abbia tutto il tempo per controllarlo e caricarlo sull’app. Prima elenchi il tuo evento, meglio è, poiché ciò aumenta le possibilità che venga presentato nei nostri segmenti TV giornalieri che promuovono eventi locali. Per raggiungere efficacemente i turisti, ti consigliamo di pubblicare il tuo evento con almeno 3 mesi di anticipo. Ciò consente la massima visibilità e garantisce che il tuo evento riceva l’attenzione che merita.

Interested in including your event on

It is important to list your event at least 30 days before it occurs to ensure that our team has ample time to check and upload it onto the app. The sooner you list your event, the better, as this increases the chances of it being featured in our daily TV segments promoting local events. To effectively reach tourists, we recommend listing your event at least 3 months in advance. This allows for maximum exposure and ensures your event gets the attention it deserves.

Inserisci gratuitamente i tuoi eventi su

Place your events on free of charge.

Più di un evento?  Se devi inviare più di un evento, scorri più in basso e utilizza il modulo di invio di eventi in blocco

More then one event?  If you need to submit more then one event, scroll further down and use the bulk events submission form

Compila il seguente modulo con i dettagli del tuo evento in inglese (opzione di inserzione gratuita di base) Please fill in the following form with your event details (Basic Free Listing Option)

Paese | Country(Required)
Genere/i applicabile/i Applicable Genre/s(Required)
*Traditional events include village feasts
Scrivi l'indirizzo completo incluso il codice postale | Write full address including post code
* Link for user to find tickets or learn more
Specification for event videos: Resolution: 1080x1920 | Format: mp4
Specification for photos: Resolution: 1080x1920 | Format: JPG

Utilizza il modulo sottostante per inviare un numero massiccio di eventi su

Use the form below to submit a bulk number of events on

Scarica il formato Foglio Excel da compilare e caricare nel form sottostante:

Download the Excel Sheet format to be filled in and uploaded in the form below:

Modulo di inserzione gratuita per più eventi / Multiple Events Free Listing Form

Paese / Country(Required)
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Scarica copia del foglio Excel da compilare dalla sezione sopra il modulo / Download copy of Excel sheet to be filled in from section above the form Menu Rate Card

Promuovi il tuo evento

Promote your event

Please fill in the following form to promote your event further

Event (Basic Listing) form submitted(Required)
Applicable genre/s(Required)
If not applicable, write N/A
Company / organisation address(Required)

Choose your additional promotional paid items:

Newsletter in Malta
Social Media Promotion


Una fattura con i dettagli degli articoli selezionati ti verrà inviata via email per la conferma dei dettagli.


An invoice detailing the items you selected will be emailed to you for confirmation of the details.

Embrace the Opportunities X Noċemuskata

Let’s explore how can work for you. Get in touch with us today.
+356 9900 8228